Sadie Kolves

On November 27, 2024
Be present in all things and thankful for all things

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As the holidays roll in, the pace of life often seems to quicken. There are errands to run, meals to prepare, gifts to buy, and social events to attend. It’s easy to get swept up in the whirlwind, but amidst it all, there’s something grounding about taking a step back to reflect on gratitude and the gift of presence—not just showing up, but truly being present.

Gratitude isn’t just about appreciating the big moments, like finally seeing family after months apart or sitting down to a picture-perfect meal. It’s also about noticing the smaller joys: the warmth of a cup of coffee in the morning, the sound of laughter in the background, or the stillness of an early evening when the world seems to pause. These quiet moments often hold the most meaning, but they’re easy to overlook in the busyness of the season.

This year, I’m reminding myself that being present is one of the greatest ways to show gratitude. Whether it’s putting my phone away during dinner, listening without interrupting, or just sitting quietly in the company of loved ones, these actions say, “I see you. I value this moment.” And truly, isn’t that what the holidays are about?

There’s no shortage of distractions in today’s world—notifications, emails, and endless to-do lists pulling at our attention. But the holidays offer a rare and beautiful opportunity to pause. To take a deep breath and focus on what really matters: the people around us and the time we share.

Being present doesn’t have to mean grand gestures or meticulously planned activities. It can be as simple as sitting on the couch with family, reminiscing over old stories, or helping your mom peel potatoes in the kitchen. It’s in these unassuming moments that connections are deepened, and memories are made.

I think a lot about how easy it is to get lost in striving for perfection during the holidays. The perfectly set table, the flawless meal, the beautifully wrapped gifts. But some of my favorite holiday memories have been the messy, imperfect ones. Like the time we forgot to turn on the oven, or when we ran out of tape and wrapped gifts with rubber bands. We laughed until we cried, and those moments are etched in my heart more than anything picture-perfect could ever be.

This season, I’m choosing to let go of perfection. Maybe the turkey isn’t magazine-ready, or the cookies come out a little burned. That’s okay. What matters is the laughter that fills the kitchen while we’re baking, the shared moments of “oops” and “oh well.” Because when we focus too much on getting everything just right, we miss out on the joy of simply being together.

Gratitude also means acknowledging the people who make our lives brighter, not just during the holidays but all year long. The friend who always checks in, the neighbor who waves every morning, the coworker who shares a kind word when you’re having a tough day. The holidays are the perfect time to let those people know how much they mean to you, even with a simple “thank you.”

And let’s not forget to show ourselves a little gratitude, too. It’s easy to overlook all that we’ve accomplished or to focus on what we think we’ve fallen short of. But this year, take a moment to acknowledge how far you’ve come, the challenges you’ve faced, and the growth you’ve achieved. Gratitude starts within, and when we give ourselves grace, it becomes easier to extend that same kindness to others.

The best memories aren’t always polished—they’re the messy, real ones that remind us of the love and togetherness that make the holidays special. It’s the hugs that last a little longer, the unexpected conversations that warm your heart, and the quiet, peaceful moments that feel like a gift in themselves.

So this holiday season, I’m choosing to be more mindful. To appreciate what’s in front of me, to say “thank you” more often, and to give my time and attention as freely as I give gifts. Because in the end, presence is the most meaningful present of all.

Happy holidays, and may your season be filled with gratitude, joy, and connection. Let’s make it one to truly remember.