Am I Really A Sheep?

Sadie Kolves

On May 29, 2021
My purpose was more than myself. My purpose is more than me. My purpose is to go change the lives of God’s people.

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Since my family and I have lived in Albuquerque, we’ve had trouble finding a church. We’ve tried quite a few but haven’t really felt one that we belonged at. Going to church for me is something that fills my cup, it really feels my soul. 

I found myself in a place where I wasn’t happy, where I wasn’t feeling fulfilled. I had crushed all of my goals, but I found myself thinking “why aren’t I happy?” “why wasn’t this enough”.

I found Craig from Life Church and started listening to that, and it saved my life. It filled my cup. When I was listening to his message, he said “When you are only focused on your OWN goals and your OWN happiness — you will never be fulfilled.” 

That spoke to me. 

True fulfillment is helping more of God’s people. Right then and there I realized that my purpose was more than myself. My purpose is more than me. My purpose is to go change the lives of God’s people. 

In a sermon, it was talking about how people are being considered sheep. Humankind as a whole behave like sheep. When we see these up-and-coming trends, we flock towards the trend so we’re not left out – even if it’s not who we are. 

I don’t know about you, but I don’t bleat or follow. I make my own path and don’t want to be called a sheep. 

The more this sermon went on, he further explained how we are sheep. How we are defenseless and need to be protected. For every herd of sheep flocking to follow the next trend or the next new thing, there is a Shepard who protects his flock. 

This made me want to bawl. This Shepard sees all of our faults and weaknesses and still protects us without fail. 

It made me realize how amazing God is and how I would so much rather follow God and be a sheep, than believe in any one person. 

I always want to be a follower of Jesus.