Be the Example. LEAD!

Sadie Kolves

On November 10, 2023
Preach what you practice

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What does it mean to lead by example? Well, it’s all about practicing what you preach. It’s about embodying the values and behaviors you expect from others. Think about it this way – if you want your employees to be punctual, you can’t constantly be showing up late yourself. If you want your kids to eat healthy, you can’t be chowing down on junk food all day. Leading by example means living out the principles you want others to follow.

One of the reasons leading by example is so effective is because actions speak louder than words. We’ve all heard that phrase before, and it couldn’t be more true. People are more likely to be influenced by what they see rather than what they hear. So, if you want to inspire others, it’s essential to model the behavior you want to see in them.

Another great aspect of leading by example is that it fosters trust and respect. When people see you consistently practicing what you preach, they start to have confidence in your leadership. They believe in your vision and are more likely to follow your lead. This trust and respect can create a positive and productive work or personal environment.

Now, leading by example doesn’t mean you have to be perfect all the time. We’re all human, and we all make mistakes. It’s okay to acknowledge your flaws and learn from them. In fact, being transparent about your own growth can inspire others to do the same. The important thing is to consistently strive to be the best version of yourself and to admit when you fall short.

So, how can you start leading by example in your own life? Well, it all starts with self-awareness. Take some time to reflect on your own values and behaviors. Are there areas where you could improve? Are there habits you need to break? Once you have a clear understanding of where you stand, make a conscious effort to align your actions with your values.

Another important aspect of leading by example is being a good listener. When people come to you with their problems or concerns, take the time to really listen and understand their perspective. Show empathy and offer support when needed. By being a good listener, you not only create a safe space for others to express themselves, but you also show them that their opinions and feelings matter.

Additionally, being open to feedback is crucial in leading by example. No one is perfect, and there’s always room for growth. When someone offers constructive criticism or suggestions, take it in stride and use it as an opportunity to improve. By showing that you are receptive to feedback, you encourage others to do the same and foster a culture of continuous learning and development.

Lastly, leading by example also means recognizing and celebrating the achievements of others. When someone on your team or in your personal life accomplishes something great, acknowledge their efforts and give credit where it’s due. By showcasing their success, you inspire and motivate others to reach for their own goals.

Leading by example is a powerful way to create positive change in your personal and professional life. By embodying the values and behaviors you want to see in others, you inspire trust, respect, and growth. Remember, it’s a journey, and it takes effort, but the impact it can have is immeasurable. So, let’s lead by example and make a difference together!