Sadie Kolves

On September 7, 2022
“There will never be a right time. Stop waiting and start doing.” -Mel Robbins

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“There will never be a right time. Stop waiting and start doing.” -Mel Robbins

Is there a goal you’ve been wanting to reach, a new habit you’ve been wanting to start, a bad habit you’ve been wanting to break, a workout regimen you’ve been wanting to start, a budget you’ve been wanting to stick to, a side hustle you’ve been wanting to start? Etc etc. 

Stop waiting for Monday, the new year, a friend to start with you, your husband to join in, the only person that can take control is YOU!!

“Be your own motivation” is a mantra I eat, sleep, and breathe every day. So much so, that I have it as a tattoo! Why!? Because it applies in all areas of life. No one else was going to quit the job I hated for me.

No one else was going to convince me to be my own boss and make a living sharing products I believe in. No one else was going to make moving to a dream home in Florida happen for me. No one else is going to wake up early every day to get a workout in and prep healthy food for for me. 

No one else is going to give me the passion and drive to hustle daily. I could go on and on. It is up to YOU and what you truly want, believe in, and have passion for to make shit happen! 

You can look at Instagram fit models all day, that’s not going to get you off the couch. You can read all the motivational quotes on how to hustle and work for yourself, that’s not going to start a business for you. 

You must ask yourself what it is you really want and then get the willpower and drive to make it happen. Motivation starts with the WHY and the discipline to do it. Why do you want to stick to a budget?

How are you going to do it when times get tough? You need to know why it is you want the motivation and have a plan of attack for when times get tough.

Keep yourself surrounded with reminders of your goals. Put a picture of the family vacation and house you are wanting to afford on the fridge, this will remind you to stick to your budget. 

Hold yourself accountable along the way, if you blow money on something that wasn’t in the budget then cut something you were going to spend on in order to get back in line.

It can be as simple as one word of why you want to do something. I knew FREEDOM was something I valued. I started there, and then took steps to get my profession in a place where I had FREEDOM.

Stop looking for outside sources to change your life. BE YOUR OWN MOTIVATION and carve out the life you want TODAY!