Be your own Phoenix

Sadie Kolves

On March 17, 2023
" If you ever fallen down and lost your spark, get back up as the whole damn fire." - Unknown

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” The Phoenix in times of doubt and confusion, it symbolizes strength, transformation and renewal. For only from the ashes of who we were, can we rise up to become who we’re to be.” – Unknown

“From the ashes, a fire shall be woken, a light from the shadows shall spring.” – J.R. Tolken

Do you ever feel like you’ve reached your breaking point? Like you are in a pit and you can’t get out? Like giving up because what’s the point now? Like continuing to bury yourself into a negative place because rising up will be too hard? Do you ever just continue to sabotage your goals because you already slipped up and feel like going back won’t make a difference now?

Sometimes we experience lows and places of defeat with no hope. I am here to tell you, the only one who can start to pull you out and re in still hope is YOU!!! You have to make the decision to get out and get up!! Pray, meditate, give yourself a pep talk, reach out for help, find accountability from someone, remember your why, focus on your goal instead of the pit, etc etc.

There is a time and place to sulk in a pity party, and sometimes it means hitting rock bottom…. the key is to not stay in that too long! You have to set your eyes on getting yourself up and back to life you desire.

Willpower comes from within, there is never a place too far back or low that we can’t pull ourselves out of step by step. Sometimes the lows are a gift, because that is where we find out how strong we really are.

Whatever your struggle is, you have to decide to let it burn, put it behind you and rise up and on to a better life.

” If you ever fallen down and lost your spark, get back up as the whole damn fire.” – Unknown

Never be ashamed of the failures, struggles, lows, bouts of depression and defeat… instead turn them into your pivotal moment in life where you find your superpower.

One decision of I CAN AND I WILL will turn those ashes of defeat into a reborn stronger YOU.