Bend…don’t Break

Sadie Kolves

On May 31, 2022
“Whatever comes, let it come, what stays, let it stay, what goes, let it go.”

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“Blessed are the flexible, for they will not be bent out of shape.”- Anonymous

“Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind.” – Bruce Lee

Life, often, tends to go its own way. We plan out our day, a circumstance, or schedule in our head… and BOOM life comes to throw it all off course. Do you tend to breakdown, get rattled & frustrated when life re directs? What if, instead of letting it break our peace, we learn to bend.

If you go to get ice cream and they are out of your favorite flavor, what do you do? Do you throw a tantrum and let it ruin your whole mood, or do you just move on, pick another flavor, and still enjoy the treat all the same?

Sometimes we just need to re direct and disconnect the strong emotional ties we have on certain expectations. When you look back at life you aren’t going to remember the times where things didn’t go as planned. So why let it throw you into an emotional spiral in the moment? Learning to be flexible in our mind is a powerful tool that can help ensure more smooth sailing through this thing called Life.

Release rigid expectations and practice going with the Flow! This doesn’t mean to just passively let things go by, it simply means just move with the direction certain circumstances decide to take you.

“Whatever comes, let it come, what stays, let it stay, what goes, let it go.”