Blame It

Sadie Kolves

On February 18, 2022
Stop being a victim to the blame game. Do better, choose better.

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The blame game.

Poor me, its your fault this is happening to me. BOOFREAKINGHOO.

Does this sound familiar? Because it hits home for me. There was a time in my life when all of my problems were because of someone else. Everything that was going wrong in my life, was because someone did give me a chance or an opportunity.

I felt like because my family wasn’t rich I didn’t get the same chances.

I blamed my dad for ME dropping out of high school.

I thought that people who had these amazing lives were just lucky, and I wasn’t.

Let’s dive in. Let’s stop playing the blame game.

First things first, you need to stop being a prisoner of your own past. Your past doesn’t define you, your past may have gotten you to where you are now, but it doesn’t own you. Breakaway from the stigma you have been carrying.

You need to decide to take complete control of your own healing. You are 100% responsible for your healing. You have to choose to let go of the pain the past has caused you, and set yourself on a path to healing.

No one is coming to save you, you have to do this on your own. Growing up I was always waiting for someone to come fix this, for someone to come save me.

You have to decide to take a step into the future. You have to decide to put yourself first and work on healing from the pain. You have to stop playing the blame game, and put in the work.

The life you want is within your grasp, you just need to reach for it.