Sadie Kolves

On March 18, 2022
Our perspective is what creates our situation. When you can't change a situation in your life, CHANGE YOUR PERSPECTIVE.

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When a photographer can’t change a scene, he changes his angle and lens to capture the best of that scene. Similarly, when you can’t change a situation in your life, CHANGE YOUR PERSPECTIVE and mindset to get the best out of that situation.

Has life ever brought you into a season or phase you weren’t thrilled with? Ever find yourself in a situation you weren’t fond of? That’s life right, its going to test us, take us through struggles, and make us wait impatiently sometimes. Sometimes you will have the ability to make a change and dig yourself out. And sometimes you will have to sit through it till you get to the other side.

Changing perspective on situations big and small can change your entire outlook on life.

Some days it’s something simple; you look at your calendar and you just want to hide and
cancel everything. But Guess what?? The day must go on Change your mindset! Instead
of looking at it as a busy day you are dreading, find ways to spin it. Start the day with gratitude that your life is full of abundance and things to strive for. The tasks and schedules are going to happen regardless, so instead of staying negative and complaining, what if we were thankful and found the silver linings. One day of gratitude, for a life that keeps you busy, will add up to a lifetime of feeling blessed and fulfilled. One day of negativity and dread will add up to life of emptiness and unfulfillment….. which are you going to choose?

One step, one angle, one thought at a time. I get in a car wreck… MAN THIS BLOWS… but I
thank God I’m safe. I lost $100 in cash this week..DANGITTTT.. but maybe someone who was struggling to get by found it and was able to provide for their family. I have a day of 10
meetings and a to do list a mile long…UGHH..but wow am I blessed for this type of success in my life.

Small mindset changes may seem minuscule, but in the grand scheme of our lives, it adds up.
Instead of having back-to-back moments or days of dread that turn me sour, I can look
back at my week and feel all the gratitude and joy I brought to the surface.

“If you don’t like something, change it, if you can’t change it, change your attitude.” – Maya Angelou