Comparison is the thief of joy

Sadie Kolves

On May 5, 2023
The grass aint greener....

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“He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind.” -Buddha

“Comparing yourself with others is one of the highest forms of self-destruction and people who love themselves don’t destroy themselves.”- Sarvesh Jain

Do you ever feel happy or blessed and then you look at someones life on social media and all the sudden feel jealous and down? Social media makes it easy for us to compare ourselves, lives, accomplishments, downfalls, etc etc to everyone else. It’s an extremely toxic behavior to our own joy and happiness.

Don’t rob yourself of feeling proud or joyous of yourself or life by comparing it to others and then being left with jealousy and envy.

The act of comparing can literally stop you and your life from thriving. Let the amazing moments stay amazing, don’t let them be downplayed by comparing them to other peoples lives that make you feel like your moment was any less amazing.

It can be easy to feel jealousy, less than, and envy when you aren’t working or living up to your best self. If there are things under your control to help you reach your best self, then DO IT!!! Don’t be lazy and sit back and wish…. turn those hopes into realities.

Fill your life with things that fill your cup up and bring you joy… if you don’t make this a priority then of course you will always feel like your life is in lack of.

We all know the grass aint greener on the other side…PERIOD! Practice Gratitude over Greed always.

Get off social media and into living your life more. Be there for every moment present with gratitude, hope, and joy…..don’t waste any moment by comparing. Write down the parts of your life you love, and where you want to see some change…. then soak up the good, and get to work on fulfilling the change.

“Happiness is found when you stop comparing yourself to other people.” – Unknown