Don’t Claim it. Change it.

Sadie Kolves

On September 15, 2022
“I can choose to let it define me, confine me, outshine me, or refine me…I can also choose to move on and leave it behind me.” -unknown

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Don’t let your faults and failures define you. They may be part of you, but they do not make you who you are. We all have traits, tendencies, inabilities, disorders, or habits we don’t love about ourselves. 

Sometimes it’s okay to say that’s just how I am and claim it as a trait of ours. But other times we need to step up and make a change instead of just settling for something we don’t like. 

If you are someone who lives in fear and anxiety, why not dig into the why of that and figure out a way to help ease those intense feelings? Why live in constant fear and worry when you could have the option to live differently? 

Anxiety is different for everyone, and there are different methods that help ease it depending on the person. You may not be able to totally get rid of it, but why not try options to help it be better instead of just claiming you are an anxious person.

You may struggle with depression, instead of claiming you are a depressed person and just sitting in it, either try methods to help aid the depression, or just let it be something you battle, but not let it claim the entirety of your life.

If you are battling with trying to lose weight, why would you wait till you lost the weight to be happy or to buy that dress? You are living and thriving right now! Your weight doesn’t make you who you are, make changes to achieve your health goals while still being proud of who you are right now.

If you didn’t like a certain dish on a menu, you wouldn’t order it and just sit there unsatisfied when you could have ordered something that made you happy. 

So, if you don’t like something about yourself, why just sit in it, instead of making a change and choosing to live differently. We all get choices about how we live out our lives.

Some things may not be in our full control, but most of the time we have a choice of how to tackle our battles. Why let things you don’t like control how you feel or act day to day? 

Set an intention of how you want live and then make changes to make it happen. Stop claiming your downfalls and make moves!

“I can choose to let it define me, confine me, outshine me, or refine me…I can also choose to move on and leave it behind me.” -unknown