Sadie Kolves

On October 6, 2022
“You are never too old to set another goal, or to dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis

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Three words that come so easy as an adolescent, yet as we age become harder and harder to do. When is the last time you used your imagination or thought about your hopes and dreams?

Grab a pen and some paper and I want you to write down 5 dreams you have. They can be tangible surface level things or deeper meaningful things. This is your dream list so there is nothing too big, too small, or right or wrong.

Is there a dream you had when younger, but with age you deemed it to be silly and just totally dropped it? Do you dream comfortably? Do you imagine the dream full out or do you stop yourself and think it’s useless or could never happen? 

Sometimes I think we let adulthood take the spark out of our hopes and dreams. We live in the realist mindset all the time and don’t let ourselves picture anything else. What if you believed that your dreams could come true? 

Would you live your life differently? Would you have a more positive mindset about life? Shooting down our hopes and dreams with reality, invites in a negative outlook on life and leaves no room for possibility. 

I am in a place of life where my hopes and dreams have Started to come true. If I had just shut down my dreams and let the harshness of the world tell me they weren’t possible, I would still be stuck in corporate America and living an unhealthy lifestyle. 

I would be living a life of discontentment personally and professionally. I have created a life that my daughter can truly see evidence that if you dream big enough and believe in them, that things you hope for are possible.

I am big at practicing what I preach. If you would tell a child they can be anything they want when they grow up and live any life they hope for, why can’t you believe the same for yourself?

This week I invite you to take your mind back to childhood, DREAM, IMAGINE, and HOPE, and then write it down and believe they are possible. Put it somewhere you can see every day and when you look at it, believe in yourself that one day you are going to make them come true.

“Dreaming is the beginning of getting everything you want.” – Annette White

“You are never too old to set another goal, or to dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis