Embracing the temporary

Sadie Kolves

On May 28, 2024
Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed. Not perfect.

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Life is a journey, not a destination. We’ve all heard this phrase before, but it’s easy to forget that every phase of our lives is temporary. The good times, the bad times, and everything in between – they’re all fleeting moments in this thing called life. 

When life is good, it’s easy to get caught up in the moment and assume that it will last forever. We feel invincible, like nothing can bring us down. But the truth is, even the best times in our lives are temporary. Relationships end, careers plateau, and circumstances change.

However, instead of fearing the end of these good times, we can choose to savor every moment. We can appreciate the beauty of a loving relationship, the thrill of a new job, or the excitement of a new adventure. By being present in the moment and acknowledging that it won’t last forever, we can extract even more joy from these moments. 

On the other hand, when life is tough, it’s easy to feel like we’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of pain and struggle. We may feel like we’re drowning in a sea of uncertainty, with no lifeline in sight. But even in the darkest of times, there is hope.

The bad times, too, are temporary. Every storm will pass, every winter will give way to spring, and every difficult season will eventually come to an end. By holding onto this knowledge, we can find the strength to keep going, even when the road ahead seems uncertain.

So, how can we cultivate a mindset that acknowledges the temporary nature of life’s phases? Here are a few tips:

1. Practice gratitude: Take time each day to reflect on the good things in your life, no matter how small they may seem.

2. Live in the present: Focus on the here and now, rather than worrying about the future or dwelling on the past.

3. Find the lesson: In difficult times, try to identify what you can learn from the experience, and how you can grow as a result.

4. Hold on to hope: Remind yourself that every

difficult phase will eventually come to an end, and that better times are ahead.

When we acknowledge that every phase of life is temporary, we can begin to see the beauty in the impermanence of things. We can learn to appreciate the present moment, rather than taking it for granted. We can find joy in the journey, rather than focusing solely on the destination.

Embracing the temporary nature of life’s phases also gives us the freedom to let go of things that no longer serve us. We can release the burden of holding onto relationships, jobs, or circumstances that are no longer bringing us joy. We can let go of the fear of change, and instead, welcome it as an opportunity for growth and transformation.

In the end, the temporary nature of life’s phases is a reminder of the impermanence of all things. Nothing lasts forever, and everything is subject to change. But it’s in embracing this impermanence that we can find true wisdom and peace.

As the ancient Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, once said, “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.” Life is constantly flowing, constantly changing, and constantly evolving.

The temporary nature of life’s phases is a reminder to appreciate the present moment, to find joy in the journey, and to hold onto hope in the darkest of times. It’s a reminder that everything is subject to change, and that every experience, no matter how difficult or beautiful, is an opportunity for growth and transformation.

So, the next time you find yourself in a difficult phase of life, remember that it’s temporary. And when you’re in a good phase, remember to savor every moment, because it too, will eventually come to an end.