Fall into a better way of Life.

Sadie Kolves

On September 22, 2022
“Fall is proof that change is beautiful.” - Unknown

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New Season. New habits. New start. New motivation.

Summer is on its way out, and the crisp weather of Fall is in! I love a change in the seasons, it’s a time for change, for new things, and new feelings. Why do we wait till January to make a positive change in our lives and routines? 

Fall brings refreshing feelings to most of us, so to me, it’s the perfect time to set goals and start something new! The summer chaos is over and it’s time to slow down and breathe in what kind of life you want to live.

The holidays are a perfect time to enjoy seasonal foods and family time, but why not keep a habitual routine around those times? If you can stick to a new goal during the holiday season, then when January comes it’ll be easier to maintain. 

Throwing yourself into a new goal and going from 0 to 100 leads to failure in most cases. Introducing this goal slowly throughout normal life is the perfect way to make the goal stick and reach success.

I recommend starting with small more basic goals. Improve the overall quality of your life so when you introduce a bigger goal, you are already set up for success.

Fall brings darker evenings earlier, instead of looking at this as a negative, why not use it as an excuse to improve your quality of sleep and start getting to bed earlier. Lack of sleep is incredibly detrimental to your health.

Use Natures clock to start healthier and earlier sleeping habits.

School and Holiday season bring busy locked in schedules. It’s easy to compartmentalize your life and just make it through each day. Instead, remember that quality time with friends, spouses, and families, is needed more during this time than less. 

Make it a goal to schedule quality time with loved ones during this season of busy schedules.

Don’t wait till you’ve indulged too much in Halloween candy, Thanksgiving turkey, and Christmas cookies to decide you need to make a change to your health. 

Between the treats and celebrations stay on a routine and healthier regimen with your diet to help offset the overindulging. Start a new form of exercise that you enjoy and will stick to instead of burning out. Add it to your week 2-3 times a week. 

Start slow and ease yourself in so you don’t burn out.

Stop waiting for another season to improve your life, the best time is NOW!

“Fall is proof that change is beautiful.” – Unknown

Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the Fall.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald