Find the Abundance in each day

Sadie Kolves

On May 18, 2023
The abundance in life is there, you just have to open your eyes to see it.

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Do you judge how happy you are in life only based on circumstances? This method is a quick way to live a life of “lack.” Sometimes in life we get the things we hope and dream for, and other times we don’t, or we may even get something worse. Life is hard and will continue to bring challenges; you have to set yourself up with tools to still get through and see the abundance in life.

We love control and to try and scheme out every scenario and situation in our lives, but the truth is we aren’t God and can’t take the reigns on everything in life. You have to let go of the control and choose to focus on the good things when something in life throws you a curveball.

“I came that they may have life and life abundant.”

John 10:10

Jesus died to give us life, and not just life, but an abundant one. It isn’t always easy to see the forms of abundance when your life is in a place of grief, depression, anxiety, or hardship…. but I promise it’s there in some form. The way you get out of ruts and get back to living fully, is to find what areas of your life abundance shows up in.

“Abundance is not something we acquire. It’s something we tune into.” – Wayne Dyer

Abundance can be in simple forms like a warm meal on a cold night and a blanket to snuggle with. It can be in big forms like a promotion at work or a raise. The key is can you find it in both the small and big things.

Our time here is not infinite, you can choose to live or live abundantly… which will it be?

Some days it is obv