Find Your Magic

Sadie Kolves

On October 15, 2021
Think back to a time in your life where you used your imagination on a daily basis. A time where princesses, princes, fairy tales, and magic ran rampant.

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Think back to a time in your life where you used your imagination on a daily basis.

A time where princesses, princes, fairy tales, and magic ran rampant.

When you think back to that time, what did you want to be when you grew up? 

A vet, a doctor, a princess, an astronaut, all of those dreams seemed within reach. 

As a child, you were taught to dream big, reach for the stars, and you could become anything you set your mind to. 

Once you hit middle school, your focus shifted. What you wanted to be when you grow up may have changed, you certainly had changed. Growing up and having a career seems so far away at this point. 

Then high school hits, adulthood is coming at you like a freight train and this is the time you may lose yourself and find yourself again. This is also the time you realize that your goals may not be achievable. You shove yourself into a box, you conform to thinking “I can’t do it” or “this is too hard”. You lose that imagination and magic that once ran rampant in your life. 

Your dreams are still there, just waiting for you to take them. Your dreams don’t work unless you do, and ultimately that magic still lives within you. 

Write your dreams down on a dream board, look at them every day. Set attainable goals for yourself to accomplish every day, leading up to accomplish your dream. 

The world still holds all the magic that it once did, you just have to find it. Let that magic drive you to your goals. Don’t let anyone stand in your way – most importantly, do not stand in your own way. There is no “this is too hard” or “I can’t do this”, those are words that no longer exist in your vocabulary. 
Just like when you were five, you can truly do anything you set your mind to. Your dreams are within your reach, I can’t wait to see what you accomplish.