Finding My True Purpose, My Truth

Sadie Kolves

On July 2, 2021
Sometimes in your life, there’s a moment where one sentence can change your entire outlook on life.

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Last year, after March I wrote on my dream board that I was going to write a book.

Did I know how or when I was going to accomplish this goal? Heck no, but I wrote it on my dream board anyways because I knew that it was something I was going to accomplish. 

If you dream something, write it down on paper and now it becomes a goal. If you don’t write your dreams down, they don’t become real. 

Anyways, I was running on my treadmill and I just wasn’t happy. We can blame it on COVID but let’s be honest, it wasn’t COVID. I was running on the treadmill just unsure of why I was unhappy, we had everything we could need or want for. The only debt we had was our home, we had everything we could possibly need. 

So why in the world was I unhappy? I worked out every day, a wonderful husband, two amazing daughters, I have everything in the world and every reason to be happy. Why was I not feeling that joy? 

Sometimes in your life, there’s a moment where one sentence can change your entire outlook on life. One sentence can be all you need to kick your butt into gear and see the world in a different light. 

For me, that sentence was “when you feel like you should be so happy because you’ve achieved everything you want to achieve. You’re never truly going to be happy if your own focus is only you. Your own success. You will find true happiness when you focus and help more of God’s children. Turn your focus off of yourself, and focus on all the different people you can help”.

Then it hit me, I was not put on this Earth for myself. I was put here to help anyone that I can possibly help. 

My ultimate goal now is to help as many people as I can. 

Whether it is kind words, a hug, some guidance, I want to touch as many lives as possible.

That is true happiness.