Sadie Kolves

On July 9, 2022
Your body can move, it’s time to convince your mind!

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This week instead of my normal Food for Thought, I am going to throw a fitness challenge your way! We are well into summer, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, watermelon is fresh, and the heat is real! We were made to be outside in nature, soaking up the sun, and moving our bodies!

Do you prioritize exercise? If you do, do you notice how good and alive you feel when you are moving? The “runners high” term is a real thing. Exercise can make you feel on top of the world, like anything is possible and you could have enough energy to do anything. I want you to experience this sensation, and not only once, but make it part of your life. Living life to the fullest is only possible if we have our health. So, I challenge you to take the step to feeling your absolute best! Fall in love with taking care of your body!

Whether you are a beginner or a fit fanatic, I want you to pick something and do it 3 times this week or pick multiple and do them this week. Message me to tell me what you did and how you feel! Let me help hold you accountable and celebrate you making moves towards your best self!

  1. 1 mile walk outside
  2. Find a set of stairs, set a timer and walk them for 10,15, or 20 mins
  3. Run 2 miles
  4. 1 set of 100 burpees
  5. 3 sets of 10 pushups, 10 sit-ups, 10 squats
  6. 15 mins of bodyweight walking lunges
  7. See how long you can hold a plank and a wall sit
  8. Want a weighted workout? Message me and I will send one your way!
  9. Take a yoga class
  10. Go for a 30 minute or longer bike ride
  11. Stretch before you go to bed for 10 mins
  12. Try an exercise class you’ve never taken
  13. Invite a friend to do a workout together
  14. 5 sets of Jump Rope 50 skips
  15. 3 sets of 100 jumping Jacks
  16. Go for a hike
  17. Swim laps in a pool

Your body can move, it’s time to convince your mind!