Flip The Script

Sadie Kolves

On November 19, 2021
Live your life today like you are going to die tomorrow, live your life with meaning. 

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You hear me talk a lot about my life, and how I got to the point that I am today.

All of the heartache, trials, circumstances that I have had to go through. 

I lived a lot of my teenage years, blaming everyone. Blaming God, my mom, my dad.

Blaming, blaming, blaming, blaming for all the bullshit that happened in my life.

Why me?

A lot of times people sit back and feel sorry for themselves. That puts them in a stagnant mode. They can never move forward from this point. 

But now I have reached a point in my life — why should I give those people the satisfaction? By not moving forward and being successful just hurts me and my family.

Live a life on purpose, because you are meant to do the things that you are doing. Live your life today like you are going to die tomorrow, live your life with meaning. 

Would you lay on the couch feeling sorry for yourself if you knew you didn’t have a tomorrow?

Instead of blaming others for all of the things that have happened to you, turn it around and say thank you. 

Thank you because, without all the things that happened to me, I would not know who I do not want to become. Without all of the pain, bad circumstances, and hurtful words I would not have my blessings. 

I am going to turn everything into gratitude, it’s not always easy to flip the script. It is hard to forgive people, and there is nothing wrong with that. I consciously make the choice to try to forgive everyone who has hurt me. 

Turn the negative things into blessings. 

If you can overcome it and become a better person through it then