Follow your Intuition

Sadie Kolves

On August 29, 2024
Trust your instincts, intuition doesn’t lie. - Oprah Winfrey

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In a world where we’re bombarded with data, advice, and opinions, it can be easy to ignore that quiet inner voice — your intuition. But trusting your gut can be a game-changer, helping you make decisions that feel right for you, even if they don’t always make sense on paper.
What Exactly Is Intuition?
Intuition is that feeling you get when something just “feels right” (or wrong), even if you can’t explain why. It’s a kind of inner knowing that doesn’t rely on logic or facts. Think of it as your brain’s way of quickly processing a ton of info from past experiences, emotions, and memories, and then sending you a subtle signal.
Your brain is constantly processing information, much of it subconsciously. When you get a “gut feeling,” it’s often because your brain has picked up on patterns and is sending you a quick, intuitive response. Psychologist Daniel Kahneman calls this “thinking fast” — making decisions on the fly based on a mix of experience and instinct.
Why Trust Your Gut?
1. **It’s Authentically You**: Your intuition is your inner compass, shaped by your experiences, values, and feelings. When you listen to it, you’re being true to yourself.
2. **Faster, Smarter Decisions**: While data and logic are essential, sometimes you don’t have all the facts. That’s where your gut can step in, helping you make decisions more quickly and confidently.
3. **Fuels Creativity**: Intuition can spark new ideas and innovative solutions that you might miss if you’re only thinking logically.
4. **Less Regret, More Peace**: Ignoring your gut often leads to second-guessing and regret. Trusting it can lead to more contentment with your choices.
How to Tune Into Your Intuition
1. **Be Present**: Practice mindfulness or just spend some quiet time reflecting. The more tuned in you are, the easier it is to hear that inner voice.
2. **Learn from the Past**: Think about times you trusted your gut and it worked out — or didn’t. What can you learn from those moments?
3. **Start Small**: Use your intuition on smaller decisions to build confidence in its guidance.
4. **Combine with Logic**: Trusting your gut doesn’t mean ignoring facts. Use your intuition to guide you, but back it up with a little rational thinking.
5. **Be Okay with Mistakes**: Intuition isn’t perfect. When it’s wrong, learn from it and move on.
Trusting your intuition means connecting with yourself on a deeper level. It’s about blending that inner wisdom with what you know logically to make decisions that feel right. Next time you’re torn on a choice, take a moment, breathe, and listen to your gut. You might be surprised at how often it leads you in the right direction.