Sadie Kolves

On May 12, 2023
SMILE.....It's FRIDAY!!!

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“Happiness is a day, it’s called Friday.” – UpJourney

Friday always brings a sense of lightness and joy to the soul. The shoulders and head start to lose tension, and the smiles tend to get bigger. The alarm clock gets to shift a little later tomorrow and plans involve family, fun, relaxation, or nothing at all.

Soak the Friday feeling into your soul, embrace the joy and drop the stress. As we head into the weekend, soak up every moment of freedom and reflect It back into the world.

I challenge you to do something totally fun and impulsive this weekend! What is something you always say you want to experience but haven’t jumped on yet? GO DO IT NOW!!!

The temps are climbing, the flowers are blooming, and summer is almost here! Remember that feeling as a kid of pure excitement and freedom as summer approached, breathe that same feeling back in.

“This Friday finish your work and be done. Look forward to the weekend and have some fun!”- Kate Summers

Life can be so serious and busy, today I encourage you to take deep slow breaths of no stress and just a genuine good mood. Tell close ones you love them, compliment a stranger, plan a fun outing, partake in happy hour, pour and extra cup of coffee, whatever it is….. LIVE IT UP!

You made it through the week, treat yourself and don’t feel guilty for doing so! This weekend is not about the tasks lists and the adulting things we need to get done…..instead make it about truly LIVING your life and making memories to last.