Give Something to Gain Something

Sadie Kolves

On August 1, 2022
Depending on what they are, our habits will either make us or break us. We become what we repeatedly do.

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Is there something in your daily life that sucks time away, leaves you feeling empty, doesn’t add to your happiness, or just is a plain waste of energy?

This week I challenge you to give something up so you can gain something better. We aren’t promised tomorrow, I want to make sure today is filled with things that add to my life in some positive way.

Make a list of your daily habits and routines, what is taking away valuable time that you could be do something more impactful with?

Habits are what form our days. Some of us have good ones like working out, spending time with family, cooking healthy meals, learning about something new. Some of us have bad habits like scrolling through social media for hours, watching too much TV, snacking/drinking mindlessly to cope with the day, etc.

Breaking bad habits can be hard, but the reward of time and value given back is so worth it. Instead of just stopping the habit completely, take a closer look at what triggers you to do it in the first place. Boredom, numbing, distracting, avoiding, feeling emotional, etc etc. When you get to the root of why you do things, you can then navigate how to change. Start to pay attention when you engage in a bad habit. When did you do it?

Why did you? What were you feeling? Were you avoiding something else?

Resisting and ignoring will only last temporarily and make you want to engage in the habit more. Instead, just simply replace it with a better habit. If you start to scroll through social media every time you feel anxious, instead try closing your eyes and taking 10 deep breaths or going for a quick walk outside.

Make room in your routine to be able to add these better habits. Every Monday and Wednesday morning maybe now you schedule in time to go for a walk. Or maybe every time you brush your teeth you take time after to read a bible verse or inspirational blog.

Habits are what make up our lives, take the time to understand why you do things and ask yourself If its adding value to your life.

“Your habits will determine your future.” – Jack Canfield

“Depending on what they are, our habits will either make us or break us. We become what we repeatedly do. “- Sean Covey