Golden Handcuffs

Sadie Kolves

On October 1, 2021
Go around all the negativity, go around the people who are trying to hold you back.

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Have you ever thought that you are exactly where you need to be? Living your dreams, have absolutely everything that you have ever wanted?

Then, have you ever had someone throw a wrench at you? Everything that you thought you had, poof, it was gone. 

Does it make you feel defeated or broken? Do you ever feel like you are going to get back to where you were? Or does it feel like it is too far out of reach?

I’ve been there too.

I look at my life, and it took everything that I had to create what I have today. The last thing that we want is someone trying to push us right back down to where we started.

When that wrench came flying into my life, threatening to tear me down the first thing that I did was to think bigger. Dig deep into your heart and think about how you can help others and grow yourself. You’ll never be disappointed when you dedicate yourself to helping others. 

For me — the wrench was a policy that wouldn’t allow me to do what I wanted to do. It felt like there were a pair of golden handcuffs chained to me that wouldn’t allow me to grow. I was being held back from going for something that I have dreamt of, those handcuffs were holding me down and I was furious. 

I stopped, took a moment, and then I got to work. There’s always a loophole, there’s always a way around the wrench thrown at you. 

Do not let it defeat you, look outside of the box. Go around all the negativity, go around the people who are trying to push you back into that hole. 

You have one life to live, do everything that you want to do. Rip those handcuffs off, no one is handcuffing you, and you are going to continue on.