Growth is Okay

Sadie Kolves

On September 17, 2021
Growth is one of those things that we also can sometimes miss, something that we live through that just blows right past us.

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Sometimes I look around and I wonder “how did I get here?” 

It’s like a blink of an eye since I became a mother, life has sped by. 

I look back and I have to start enjoying the moments, being present in the moments, and making sure that I take it all in.

I feel like when our kids are younger we are just SO BUSY and the days just go by so fast. 

Then you blink. 

And your then 3-year-old is now 15 and life is just passing you by. 

Growth is one of those things that we also can sometimes miss, something that we live through that just blows right past us.

Right now I think that I am in another period of growth, I can always tell by my circle. A lot of times I have certain groups of friends that are in my life, and sometimes we drift apart. Those times that we drift apart make me really sad. I was thinking to myself the other day, maybe it’s just a growing period. 

It could be a growing period for you or a growing period for your friends. It’s nothing to be sad over, it just means that someone is growing in a different area. Someone is bettering their life and all of that motivation will be surrounding you. 

If you don’t talk to your friends as much during that growing period, it’s okay. It will come back around. 

Right now I feel like, in order to grow my business, I need to grow myself. I always hear successful people say that you cannot outgrow your business. You have to grow first, your business is not going to outgrow where you are. You have to continue to grow yourself in order to excel in other aspects of your life. 

If you stay stagnant in life or have friends who stay stagnant, no one is going to get anywhere. It will just be a vicious cycle of mediocrity over and over again. Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m not ever going to settle for that. I’m going to grow myself, work on achieving all of my goals, and helping my friends reach theirs as well. 

Growing is an important part of life.

Growth will allow you to soar and encourage the people around you to reach their goals as well.