High standards…. It’s not a bad thing

Sadie Kolves

On September 26, 2024
High standards protect you from low quality experiences

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Nowadays people are often told to settle or compromise. Whether it’s in relationships, career choices, or personal goals, the message is sometimes clear: lower your expectations, don’t be too picky, or you’ll miss out. But is there really something wrong with having high standards? I’d argue that not only is there nothing wrong with high standards, but they can also lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.
Let’s get one thing straight: having high standards isn’t the same as chasing perfection. Perfection is an impossible ideal, often tied to an all-or-nothing mentality. High standards, on the other hand, are about knowing your worth, understanding what you deserve, and not settling for less than that. It’s about striving for excellence, not flawlessness.
Think of it like this: would you want to work for a company that doesn’t value your skills, or would you prefer one that recognizes your potential and challenges you to grow? Would you prefer to be in a relationship where you constantly compromise your happiness, or one where mutual respect and support flourish? High standards create room for quality in your life, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
When you set high standards for yourself or others, you’re essentially fostering growth. If your standards for your career, friendships, or personal life are high, you’re more likely to push yourself to reach those goals. It’s not about being rigid or impossible to please; it’s about aiming higher and working toward becoming a better version of yourself.
Surrounding yourself with people who align with your standards also encourages growth. When you have high expectations of those in your life, you’re indirectly encouraging them to be their best selves, too.
One of the biggest misconceptions about high standards is that they make you “too demanding” or “unrealistic.” The truth is, having high standards often comes from a place of knowing what you bring to the table. If you’ve worked hard to achieve a certain level of success or personal development, why shouldn’t you expect the same from others? You’ve earned the right to have high expectations of yourself and the world around you.
This applies to all aspects of life, from friendships to work environments. If you’re putting in the time and effort to live up to your own standards, you deserve to be surrounded by people and opportunities that match your level of dedication and integrity.
At the core of high standards are boundaries. Knowing what you will and won’t accept is crucial for protecting your energy, time, and emotional well-being. Setting high standards is essentially a way of establishing boundaries, and boundaries are healthy. They help you avoid toxic environments and relationships, and instead, they guide you toward situations that will enrich your life.
By maintaining high standards, you’re teaching others how to treat you. If you don’t settle for less, you’ll attract the people and opportunities that are aligned with your values.
In a world where people often settle for “good enough,” there’s something incredibly powerful about embracing high standards. It’s a reminder that you’re in control of your life and that you have the right to expect excellence. So, don’t let anyone convince you that you’re too demanding or hard to please. Having high standards isn’t about being difficult—it’s about knowing your worth, embracing growth, and ensuring you create the best possible life for yourself.
So go ahead, keep those standards high. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with it.


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