
Sadie Kolves

On March 7, 2024
Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less.

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Hey there! Today I wanted to chat about something that I think is really important – being humble. Being humble is all about recognizing your own worth and abilities without feeling the need to boast or brag about them. It’s about being grounded, grateful, and respectful towards others. You don’t need to downplay your success to be humble, you can be proud and have humility at the same time.

I think being humble is such a valuable trait to have. It shows that you are confident in yourself, but also aware of your own limitations. It allows you to appreciate the talents and achievements of others without feeling threatened or envious.

I try to practice humility in my own life by acknowledging my strengths and weaknesses, being open to feedback and constructive criticism, and showing gratitude for the opportunities and blessings that come my way. I like to practice humility by staying curious and open to new ideas, admitting when I mess up, and giving credit where credit is due. It’s all about that sweet spot between self confidence and staying humble.

It’s not always easy to be humble, especially in a world that often values self-promotion and individual success above all else. But I truly believe that humility is a powerful and admirable quality that can help us connect with others, grow as individuals, and make a positive impact on the world around us. It’s not about dimming your light or playing small-it’s about shining bright while lifting others up along the way.
So let’s all strive to be a little more humble in our thoughts, words, and actions. Stay open to learning, give credit where its due, embrace your imperfections, practice gratitude, and treat others with kindness. Let’s celebrate our achievements, but also remember to stay humble and kind along the way. Stay humble, stay awesome, and keep spreading those good vibes.