If Not Mom.. Then Who?

Sadie Kolves

On May 15, 2021
We have one life to do all of the things that we want to do. We have to put in the time to work on ourselves.

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All I ever wanted to be was a good mom.

When Savannah was little and you asked me what I wanted to be, time and time again I would tell you that I want to be a good mom. I wanted to be the mom I didn’t get to have. I wanted to be there for it all, be the mom that can be depended on, the super mom who never needed a break. 

As we all get older, we know that priorities change. Goals change, who we want to be can shift and change. These changes often pave way for new paths for our entire family, not just us.

Being in the fitness world I know that we have to make time for ourselves. We have to put in the time to work on ourselves, to keep ourselves healthy. 

But as mothers? Making time for ourselves is something we so seldom do. 

We are always putting our children first. We say once they’re out of grade school I can do this. Then it becomes middle school, and then high school. All of a sudden you are your 65-year-old self, and you didn’t accomplish anything you wanted to do. 

How do you think your children (your now-adult children) would feel? How do you think knowing that you never accomplished any of your life goals because you were constantly putting them before everything? 

Stop and think for a second. Yes, we are parents. Yes, we would do absolutely anything for our kids. Yes, our kids do come first. But as mothers we need to take the time to recharge, to make our dreams come true. We need to show our children that anything is possible. 

I feel like if we revolve our entire lives around our kids once they leave we’re sitting here wondering “then what”? We spent so much time dropping everything whenever they needed something and forgetting to take care of ourselves in the process. 

So if it’s not mom.. Then who?

We have one life to do all of the things that we want to do. But once we have kids, the clock stops for some of us. We put our goals and dreams on the back burner, instead of showing our kids that they can achieve their goals and be a mom. 

For me, I want to show Savannah that it’s important to make herself a priority. So, her seeing me take care of myself and help take care of our family is showing her balance. It’s showing her that you are just as important as anyone else, and you need to make sure you take care of yourself in order to make her dreams come true. I want to see all of her dreams come true, and not spend her entire life devoted to pleasing people.

I want her to see a world where we’re not just moms.

If you want to write that book, write that book.

If you want to get a degree, get that degree.

If you want to be an entrepreneur, be an entrepreneur.

Our children deserve to grow up in a world where they see us as more than just a mom, a world where they see us as a mom who achieved her dreams.