Inside Vibes become Outside Vibes

Sadie Kolves

On April 21, 2023
Vibe high and the magic around you will unfold.

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Ever notice how when you’re feeling empowered, confident, beautiful, joyful, productive, etc etc that other people can tell? Today I woke up feeling confident about my body, and then at the gym I conquered a kick ass workout, I come home and my husband tells me I’m looking really good and fit today….. and I’m like I know right!? I feel it!! My self confidence about my body and its looks and abilities truly shown through to the outside world, and when he complimented me I fully believed it and valued hearing it instead of brushing it off.

You can create the vibe of the day. It is so easy to pickup on a negative vibe from someone else and then take it on yourself… so why not flip it!?

A friend of mine has some of the best body confidence, and confidence in general that I have ever seen. I don’t think she has ever stressed over the way she looks; I asked her how is that possible, how does she do it? She said so assertively, ” I know I’m a catch and I look good, I don’t have the best body but I walk around with confidence like I do and others pick up on that.” I thought wow, she’s right, she carries herself so unapologetically, and the more she does it, the more she believes it and exudes this fierce image.

There is a reason when you study, that you use repetition…. the more you repeat it, the more it sticks. It works the same for a mood, belief, feeling, thought, etc, etc… the more you choose to say it and create it..the more you will believe it and show it.

If you want to feel like a badass… then choose to!! The only person stopping you is yourself. If you want others to believe you are one.. then believe it and wear it proudly.

In yoga, they say “Energy Flows where intention goes.” That statement is true on so many levels. Really think about what intentions you set for yourself an how much energy, whether bad or good, follows.

” I’ve decided to be beautiful. Not by losing tons of weight or wearing tons of makeup. But by loving myself for who I am.” -Unknown

“Vibe High and the magic around you will unfold.” -Akilnathan Logeswaran