It’s Closing Time 2022

Sadie Kolves

On December 23, 2022
This is the start of something Good.

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2022 is coming to a close and a new year is approaching. What a perfect time to look back at this year and reflect on all its brought. The good the bad, the joy, the heartache.. it has all shaped me into the person I am today.

I love looking at the pictures from the past year on my phone and just remembering the moments and the time spent with loved ones.

I encourage you to look back at the memories this year brought and not only feel gratitude but start to think about the things you want to take with you into the new year, and the things you want to leave behind.

Did you get outside in nature enough this year? Did you start or maintain any healthy habits? Did you spend too much time scrolling on your phone? Did you spend enough time with loved ones? Did you start and stick to a budget? Did you make decisions you regret? Stop, look back, reflect, be grateful and then decide what you want to bring into the new year.

A tradition I like to do at the start of every year is making a vision board. Get a poster board, some magazines, markers, stickers, glitter, whatever you want. Sit down, maybe with a family member or friend, and create a vision board for the new year. Then hang it somewhere you will see everyday so you can remind yourself of the goals you have set for your life.

Make your vision board full of simple and not so simple things. Include things that are easily attainable and ones that will require more effort to be successful at. Growth comes from change and challenges.

This is your life and world and you can fill it with whatever it is you dream of and desire.

Keep yourself accountable on that vision board and cross of the things that you achieve throughout the year.

This New Year is the time for a beginning of anything you want.

1 Comment

  1. M Rede-Quinones

    Love your postitive kick-ass attitude and lifestyle! Here’s to a happy, healthy and prosperous coming new year for us all!
    God bless!