It’s Just the Way I am

Sadie Kolves

On March 30, 2023
Real self love: calling yourself out on your shit in order to grow.

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Do you have any traits or behaviors that you wish were different or weren’t apart of who you were?

Why is it when we have a not so great trait we just say, ” Well that’s just how I am or things are,” and move on? What if instead of claiming a situation or trait, we chose to address it and make steps to changes!?

We justify behaviors and situations because sometimes it’s easier to settle then to have to step up and make a change. Well guess what… that is not a life I want to live!

My life is too important to settle in justifications.

There are tons of traits/behaviors someone can claim and just keep, or they can choose to make a change on….People pleasing, over indulging, heard headed, over spending, stubborn, depressed, bitter, resentful, numbing, perfectionist, anxious, self deprecating, pessimistic, greedy, etc etc. The list goes on and on. The fact is, if it is something you don’t like and don’t want to live with anymore, then why are you!?

Therapy, behavioral changes, self help books, bible study, friend group, journaling, etc etc there are so many ways you can get help to start to make changes.

“Just because your behavior is understandable, doesn’t mean your behavior is acceptable.” -Steve Maraboli

“If you want to change attitudes, start with a change in behavior.” -William Glasser

Being the best version of yourself starts with YOU!! No one else can do it for you, you have to decide you and your life are worth more.

Stop claiming things you don’t want to be true. The moment you think and say it out loud, the moment you start believing it. So if you refuse to keep living your life with a trait or behavior, its time to start thinking and speaking with more intention.