Life is meant for Purpose & Passion

Sadie Kolves

On January 6, 2023
Create a Life on Purpose

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Do you ever feel like you live groundhogs day? Same thing different day wishing for the weekend? Do you feel like you’re living out your life purpose or up to your fullest potential?

Sit and think about what in life fulfills you, what makes you feel passion, what breathes life into your lungs, when do you feel the most joy, what goals do you want for your life? Now how can we bring some or even all of these to fruition?

Why continue on the hamster wheel of mundane living? I chose to hop off that wheel and do something that lights my soul on fire. Why can’t you make a change in your life to feel the same?

No one is going to hand you your purpose or tell you here is how to feel passionate or more alive, you have to look inside figure out what those are and then take action.

Some of us work and save money for retirement dreaming about how great our lives will be when that comes…. the truth is you should be living a life right now that you can feel the same about. Not all of us will make it to retirement age, not all of us will have our health to get to enjoy it, or the people around we want to enjoy it with… so why WAIT!? I’m not saying to not prepare for the future, but why de prioritize the present?

Purpose feels like having a sense of direction, achieving things that have meaning to you, making sense of your life, bringing value to yourself and/or society, and using your God given gifts.

It can be hard to get through life when you don’t feel like you know why you’re here or what you should be doing. Finding purpose and passion in things gives you something to aspire to and work towards, it breathes the sense of drive into your life.

You will most likely find purpose and passion in multiple things, we are complex individuals so it may come in different forms. Ask yourself, ” What can I do with my time that is important to me?” ” What natural gifts do I have that bring joy to me and others when used?” And that my friend is how you get the ball rolling.

Get up and Go live a life that sets your soul on fire!