Live Your Truth

Sadie Kolves

On February 8, 2022
You have the capability to drive yourself forward, to soar, or to let yourself be held back.

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There is only one person in the world who truly knows you, truly knows your goals.

That person is you.

You have the capability to drive yourself forward, to soar, or to let yourself be held back.

Everyone in your life has their own opinions of you, their own versions of who you are. They reinvent the person you are to be who they need you to be. But does that define you?

Some people may see you as bossy, selfish, condescending, irritating, too much. But are you?

What do you see when you look in the mirror, who do you want to be?

The person that you see, the person that you know. That IS who YOU are. You need to hold your head high, and let other people’s opinions fall off your back.

2022 is the year that we are going to live our truths. It is the year that we are not going to let anyone hold us back. We are going to rise above the opinions and the criticism, and let ourselves become the very best versions of ourselves we can.

I truly cannot wait to see who you become, and I cannot wait to see you crush your goals.