Mindset Matters, Really.

Sadie Kolves

On May 1, 2021
Your mind is such a powerful tool and you can will yourself to do just about anything.

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Have you ever thought to yourself “today is going to be the day?” and then failed to follow through. Whether it be cleaning the backyard, taking the first step to getting into shape, or even schedule yourself an appointment — the biggest thing standing in the way of that is you. 

Now when I say you, I don’t literally mean that you are standing in your own way but the way you think of things is your brick wall. Your mind is such a powerful tool and you can will yourself to do just about anything.  

When something goes wrong or there is an extra step thrown into our plan, we have a tendency to shut down. Why? We see that complication as something not working out and automatically want to take the easy way out and quit. What if you changed the way you thought, changed the way you viewed the world around you? 

Think of something that you have always wanted to accomplish and next think of all of the different times you’ve told yourself “today is the day”. Can you think of more than one time that you have done this? What has gotten in the way? If you had a different mindset, would you have pushed through and gotten it done?

Changing your mindset isn’t an easy thing to do, it won’t happen overnight. 

First, you need to decide that YOU want to change the way you’re living, the way that you’re thinking. 

Second, instead of finding the negatives in every situation, try finding that silver lining. That silver lining is going to make it easier to push through all of the things that can go wrong. 

Third, you need to hold yourself accountable. Your dreams start with you and end with you. You can reach for the stars, but the only person who can make those stars attainable is you. 

Once you start reaching, don’t let yourself stop. Visualize your goals, visualize what you have to do, tell yourself that you are going to get this done and nothing is going to stand in your way. Sure, there will be times that you doubt yourself, but don’t let that doubt cloud your mindset. The doubt is temporary and your drive can carry you through. 

Your mindset is the make or break of who you truly are and the life that you want. If you constantly let yourself backslide or take the easy way out, what kind of person are you? Are you afraid of reaching for the stars because you’re afraid you’ll fail? 

I’ll let you in on my secret, everyone fails in their life. The people who lift themselves up, and use that failure to fuel them are the ones who have the biggest successes. You have to have the mindset that no obstacle will stand in your way, hold yourself to the highest possible standards and you will succeed. Success doesn’t come easy, but nothing worth it ever does. 

What do you need to change to have a successful mindset? What goals are you striving for? Just remember…