Nature..The Natural Healer

Sadie Kolves

On April 14, 2023
"And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul." - John Muir

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An outdoor life is a life well lived. As we step into fresh days of spring and soon meet the sunshine of summer, it’s time to shut off the electronics and step out into the world.

” A walk in nature walks the soul back home.” – Mary Davis

Nature is a free boost of energy to your mind, soul, and body. Whether its sitting outside for ten minutes with a cup of coffee and sun on your face, or taking a 30 min walk through the woods, GET OUTSIDE. Breathe in the fresh air, turn off your busy mind and connect to the REAL world. It is the best way to calm, and yet energize your soul at the same time.

Being outside makes me realize how overly busy and complicated we make our lives. When I’m outside just slowing down and appreciating what’s around me, I start to realize the things that truly matter in life and the things that I need to get rid of in my life.

I also am in straight awe at how intricately and perfectly God made the World. Everything in nature has a purpose and a cause and effect on the things around it to keep the ecosystem running properly. It truly is mind blowing if you sit and really think about it.

When you are feeling run down, exhausted, overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, depressed.. whatever it may be.. step outside close your eyes and just breathe. Listen to the sounds around you, feel the wind on your skin, and the sun on your face. Turn the mind off and just focus on your breath and the sensations around you. I promise you it will help to bring down the heightened negative emotions, and bring some natural uppers and peace to your mind.

You can find true healing and recharging just by stepping outside.

“Come to the woods for here is rest.” – John Muir