Ordinary DAys

Sadie Kolves

On June 11, 2022
“Make the ordinary come alive. The extraordinary will take care of itself.”

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“Joy comes to us in moments, ordinary moments. We risk missing out on joy when we get too busy chasing down the extraordinary.” – Brene Brown

Does your week begin by counting down to the weekend or the next big event? Do you rush through your Monday cup of coffee but sip and savor your Saturday one? Does your Monday drive to work seem more dreadful than your Friday commute home from work?

What if we started romanticizing and adding excitement to the small many moments woven between the big? What if we turned mundane into exciting?

“Enjoy the journey, not just the destination.” Boy is that much harder than it seems.

I challenge you this next week to start adding flavor into those small things. Drive and sing to your favorite songs on the way to work on Monday. Sip your weekday coffee slower and really focus on the aroma and the stillness of the moment. Do a little dance when you brush your teeth. Look forward to the left-over dinner that’s already made. Make your bed and vocalize what in your life you are grateful for.

Sometimes I think those ordinary days are the best days; less stress, less things to think of, less things to fit into the schedule…less is more. Big events and weekends are always exciting but if you live waiting for the weekend you will miss out on the fulfilling simplicity in between.

“Make the ordinary come alive. The extraordinary will take care of itself.”-William Martin