Peaks & Valleys

Sadie Kolves

On February 17, 2023
Without valleys, we wouldn't have peaks.

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It’s impossible to have peaks without valleys, and in order to appreciate the peak you have to find beauty in the valley. There is nothing better than feeling on top of the world like yes this is it I made it! But the perspective that allows us to truly find meaning and gratitude in those Moments is from experiencing the lowest parts of life where we don’t feel anywhere close to a mountaintop.

When you’re in the valleys, trust that there are better days ahead. When you’re on the mountain top, be present and don’t take for granted how fleeting that feeling can be.

Life takes us up peaks and valleys like as if we were on a rollercoaster. It’s never constant and the duration is always unknown.. but there is something so beautiful in that. Life is about fully being present and diving into our highs and lows. Humans were made to feel and experience life through those feelings.

That peak feeling is a life giving one… accomplishing something you’ve worked so hard for, seeing something God brought to life, trusting that life is working out the way you wanted, like you are invincible and nothing could stop you.

Then comes that valley…. a heart wrenching moment you hoped never to experience, disappointment, fear, sadness, the questioning if God is ever going to answer your prayers, the hopeless feeling that it may never change.

Sometimes valleys last for one day, one month, one season, one year…. whichever it is find trust and faith that you will get to the other side.

And whether your peak comes in the form of a moment or several, thank God and truly be grateful for the blessing of getting to experience this beautiful gift.

Remember that they both have equal impact in your life, and while you wish for one to end, and one to be everlasting, they both are filled with great purpose.

Thank God that he has gifted you the peaks, and have faith that he will get you through the valleys.

” Everybody wants to reach the peak, but there is no growth on the top of a mountain. It is the valley that we slog though the lush grass and rich soil, learning and becoming what enables us to summit lifes next peak.” – Andy Andrews