Picking Yourself Back Up

Sadie Kolves

On May 22, 2021
We will show the world how badass we truly are. We will not fail.

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I’m really excited for life, and about life. But sometimes things happen that are out of our control. Things happen that make us feel like the world around us is crashing down. 

Something like that happened to me, I worked really really hard for three months to achieve one of my goals, and then I got a phone call. The phone call was to let me know that my goal wasn’t going to happen.

At that moment, I felt my world crashing down around me. Was the world really ending? No. Of course not, but I felt like it was at that moment. 

In my business, I put all of my energy into it. I pray that my teammates feel that energy and absorb it. I pray that my energy affects my business. 

In those moments after I got the call, I cried. I feel it’s okay to cry, it’s okay to have emotions.

It’s okay to take a damn moment. 

Life isn’t always perfect, no matter how hard we work. No matter how perfect we think our life is, there are ALWAYS going to be bumps in the road. Those bumps will knock you off track, but you can get back on. Keep moving forward. 

Basically, I want to take my experience and help anyone through those moments you feel like your world is crashing down. I know that I’m not the only person who has had those moments where you put all of your soul into achieving something and then it falls short, that’s called life. It’s a part of being human. Do you know what else that’s called? It’s called being a badass, it’s a part of epic badassery. 

Guess what I’m going to do once I’ve taken my moment? I’m going to get back up, and find my next goal to move towards. I get so excited thinking about all of the possibilities we have before us. When we put our minds and our hearts into something, we are capable of anything. 

When we fall down, we pick ourselves up. We push forward trying to achieve all of our goals. We show the world how badass we truly are. We will not fail, we will succeed.