Practice Consistent Habits & Change Your Life

Sadie Kolves

On April 23, 2021
Success and consistency go hand in hand. Are you ready?

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Have you ever had a moment when you realized your life was headed in the wrong direction and you needed to make a radical change?

For me, that year was 2009.

I started searching the internet and asking anyone I could find for ways to lose weight. I researched every aspect of weight loss I could think of. Everybody wants to see results right away, but I knew the results wouldn’t come quickly. I knew that if I kept doing the work and putting in the effort, it would pay off.

For two solid months, I put in the work, no matter what distraction people through my way, I stayed consistent. I was doing everything right and going through all the motions … yet the weight wasn’t coming off. 

Then one morning, I woke up and it was almost like my pants fell off.

Of course, it didn’t happen overnight, but it felt that way. It was the daily actions over those two months that produced the results. That’s when I realized that those small daily actions pay off over time.

Once I realized this principle of consistency—and began to live by it—success started to happen in my life. I knew that even when bad things happened if I just kept pushing forward, everything would be OK.

Success and consistency go hand in hand, consistency is the major key in my life. Being consistent is the single greatest thing you can to achieve the life of your dreams.

There are five steps to be more consistent in the actions that produce success.

Step 1- Change how you talk to yourself.

Maybe you have tried to make big changes in your life and failed. Let’s take running, for example. If you have tried to be more consistent in developing a running routine, but you keep failing, the answer is not just doing more of the same.

The answer is how you talk to yourself. 

Most people will say “I want to be a runner” instead of thinking like that you should think “I am a runner” 

The difference in how you perceive yourself is the difference in how you push yourself. If you are a runner, you’re going to get out there and do it. Thinking that you want to do something is an open invitation to keep putting it off. 

What are you? What are you going to be?

Step 2 – Embrace Hard Work

Here is the cold, hard truth: No one is coming to save you. No one is going to pay your bills. No one is building you a dream home, cooking your dinner, or going to work for you. 

Dreams only work when you work. Dreams only work when you make a decision. You must decide that you are responsible for your outcome. No excuses. Put your head down and go to work! 

For me to get where I am I didn’t say “I will try” I told myself “I’m doing this, nothing is going to stand in my way”. 

There is no try. You either do it or you don’t. End of discussion.

Step 3 –  Train for the Big Day!

The problem with trying to build consistency into your life is that it’s … well, it’s a lot of hard work, as I mentioned in the last point. So what can you do to ensure that you’re putting in the hard work on a regular basis?

Push yourself the extra mile, don’t let yourself fall short of your goals. 

If you train for something hard enough, you can do anything. If you’re willing to put in the work and train for it, it becomes easy.

Step 4 – Grow Your Grit

“Grit” is not a word we use very often, but it’s essential if you want to be more consistent and successful. 

Here’s how I define “grit”—no matter what happens in your life, no matter how hard it gets, you keep going. You don’t quit when other people throw in the towel.

If you’ve ever used sandpaper, you know what grit feels like. Sandpaper is rough to the touch, but when it comes in contact with wood, it makes the wood smooth. A carpenter would never do woodworking without using sandpaper to finish the job. The item made of wood wouldn’t be complete and ready for presentation. 

That’s what grit does in your life: it makes you “ready for presentation.” It gets you ready for what life throws at you.

Not everyone develops grit at the same time in their life, you could have the perfect life until 28. But the second life throws a monkey wrench into the mix will be when you start developing grit. Nobody wishes for those moments, but we should be thankful for them. Those are the times when we develop perseverance and grit to help us move on.

Step 5 – Don’t Quit

Not everything is going to come to you easily, and you won’t be perfect in all aspects of life. We’re human after all, we make mistakes. What matters the most is that we don’t quit, we don’t stop showing up for ourselves and our families. 

The fact that we persevere and keep moving forward is what can change our lives. 

So there you have it: five ways you can be more consistent in your life. If you follow these principles, you will see results. It won’t happen overnight because change takes time.