Foot in Front of The Other

Sadie Kolves

On October 9, 2021
You created this life for yourself, you pushed yourself to achieve your goals, you put in the work. 

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Any time that you’re achieving something or doing something amazing, people are supportive and singing your praises. Once you keep achieving and keep becoming more successful people become a little bitter. 

You may notice that people’s bitterness is overwhelming if you’re one of the people who has broken the generational “curse”. 

Entrepreneurship isn’t something that has always been recognized or accepted, but as times have changed it is becoming more recognized. 

Remember that as you grow and as you succeed, people’s perspectives on you may change. 

You may become “selfish” “snooty” “arrogant” but in all reality, it’s okay to be proud of yourself. It’s okay to pat yourself on the back. You have worked hard to get to where you are in life, and people’s jealousy shouldn’t bring you down. 

Don’t hold back celebrating your success, the people who celebrate you continuously have also been there through the struggles of life. The people who are jealous tend to not go through the struggles you have. They haven’t seen you working your ass off, the late nights, the weekends, and all the blood sweat, and tears. They think you just got “lucky”  when luck has absolutely nothing to do with it. 

You created this life for yourself, you pushed yourself to achieve your goals, you put in the work. 

Celebrate your success. Be proud of your accomplishments. Take your next step.

If there’s one thing that you can take from this, move forward. Put one foot in front of the other. Keep crushing your goals.