Ready, Set, Go Consistency

Sadie Kolves

On July 16, 2021
Consistency is key to anything you do in life, but it’s often one of the most forgotten aspects of life. You have to become consistent. I want to see you make it to the top!

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What do you think is behind the successful people you see on the tv?

When you see them, do you think “Oh they just got lucky” “They must have been born into money”?

That’s the problem right there, that’s how so many people think. 

There have been so many times I have people tell me how lucky I got to have the life that I have now. 

But they didn’t see the behind-the-scenes, the road to becoming who I am today.

They didn’t see the grit, hard work, determination, blood, sweat, tears (you know, the whole shebang). 

That road no one sees is your make it or break it to the top. You can’t quit if you want to be successful, but you know what you have to become?

You have to become consistent. 

Consistency is key to anything you do in life, but it’s often one of the most forgotten aspects of life. 

People think things just happen, that people get lucky. 

Did Savannah magically become good at softball? No, she put her head down and did the work day in and day out.

Did I just wake up one day and have my own business and was successful? No, I put my head down and I did the work.

Did Brett just coast through 18 years of being in the military? No, he stayed consistent and did the work. 

People tend to see the results, but not think about the process that got us where we all are today. 

Let’s talk about consistency. 

Consistency is doing the same thing over and over again, without fail. 

Consistency is showing up day in and day out, regardless of if you feel like it or not.

Consistency is holding yourself to the highest standard and knowing you’re going to get there.

Consistency is key in life. 

When you make a dream board, you work consistently towards crossing off your goals. Apply that consistency to every aspect of your life and you will be unstoppable. 

What is something that you’re working for? Have you been consistent with trying to achieve your goal every day? Have you done the work that you need to do to succeed?

I’m here to help hold you accountable, to inspire you to show up, to inspire you to be consistent. I want to see you reach those goals that you’ve been struggling to reach. I want to see you finally achieve something you’ve been working so hard for. 

Nothing in life that’s worth it, is easy. But that consistency and hard work and dedication that you put in makes achieving your goals so worthwhile.

Show up, stay consistent, do the work. You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve as long as you do not give up. 

Let’s kick butt, together.