Solitude is a kind of freedom

Sadie Kolves

On August 7, 2022
No distractions. Center yourself. This is your time.

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Do you remember what life was like before smart phones, constant to do lists, fast paced living, apple watches, lab tops, unlimited messaging, and social media apps? It’s hard to remember the feeling of living a simpler life without constant overload of distractions and information.

Today I sat outside at a coffee shop with a beautiful park surrounding me. I started to sip my coffee and immediately pulled out my smart phone and planner. The instant I had a moment of stillness and peace, I felt the compulsive urge to fill it and be productive. I noticed my habit of distraction and set my things down, picked up my coffee and looked at the world going on around me.

I thought to myself, I can’t remember the last time I just sat in stillness by myself enjoying the present moment without any distractions. There was life being lived all around me.

Birds picking at crumbs on the ground, friends walking together, cars going by, the sun out shining, the wind blowing a nice breeze through my hair and trees, an entire busy world happening, and yet it felt like the world had slowed down so I could take it all in. I started to wonder why I don’t do this more often.

I make time to zoom constantly through life, yet I don’t make time to just sit and allow myself to take the world in. It felt so fulfilling to just sit alone in a calm moment where there was no pressure to do anything but sip my coffee slowly with enjoyment. My schedule today was jam packed and I started the day going a million miles an hour already exhausted by noon, this short peaceful moment gave me the spark I needed to keep hustling through.

Do you make time to just look around and sit in a moment? This week I challenge you to make moments to just sit, to recharge and take the world in. No agenda or distraction, just LIVE in the present moment. Find out what truly living and embracing a moment feels like. Don’t look to your phone to fill a moment… look around.

“Solitude is a kind of freedom.”-Umberto Eco