Step into your power and over what’s blocking you

Sadie Kolves

On October 3, 2024
Stepping into your power is where you’ll find your highest self

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We’ve all been there—feeling stuck, whether it’s in our careers, relationships, or personal growth. It’s frustrating to feel like something is standing between you and the life you want, even when you can’t always pinpoint what it is. But the truth is, stepping into your power begins the moment you decide to break through whatever is holding you back.

The first step in overcoming anything is acknowledging it. What is it that’s holding you back? Is it fear? Self-doubt? A lack of clarity? Sometimes, we spend so much time trying to ignore or work around these obstacles that we don’t take a moment to truly identify them. Get honest with yourself about what’s really stopping you from moving forward. Name it, own it, and realize that recognizing the block is a huge part of stepping into your power.

Often, the blocks we face are less about external challenges and more about how we think about them. How are you framing the situation? Are you telling yourself you’re not good enough, that it’s too late, or that you’re bound to fail? These limiting beliefs can be some of the biggest barriers to growth. Reframing your mindset is key. Start to challenge these beliefs. Replace “I can’t” with “I’m learning,” or “I’m afraid” with “I’m ready to grow.” Stepping into your power means reclaiming control over your thoughts.

Overcoming a block doesn’t always mean taking a massive leap. Sometimes, it’s about taking small, meaningful steps that reinforce your belief in yourself. What’s one thing you can do today to move past this obstacle? Whether it’s having a difficult conversation, starting that project you’ve been avoiding, or simply taking a moment to breathe and reflect—each step is a victory. As you consistently take small actions, you’ll start to build momentum, and the block will feel less daunting.

The journey to stepping into your power is not linear. There will be setbacks and moments of doubt, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t making progress. Trust that even when things feel difficult, you are growing. Often, the biggest transformations happen when you’re uncomfortable. Instead of resisting these moments, lean into them, knowing that they’re helping to shape the stronger, more empowered version of you.


You don’t have to do it alone. Sometimes, what blocks us the most is the feeling of isolation or the pressure to figure everything out on our own. Surround yourself with people who uplift you, whether it’s friends, mentors, or a community that shares your goals. When you have people in your corner, the challenges don’t seem quite as heavy.

Don’t forget to celebrate how far you’ve come. Every small win, every little breakthrough is a testament to your resilience. Acknowledge the work you’ve put in, and remind yourself that you’re capable of so much more than you sometimes give yourself credit for.

Stepping into your power is an ongoing process. It’s about showing up for yourself, even when it’s uncomfortable, and pushing through the blocks that try to keep you small. The key is to recognize that you hold the power to change your narrative. Whatever is blocking you, you have the strength to overcome it. Keep going—you’ve got this.


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