Success or Settle

Sadie Kolves

On April 9, 2023
Get up or stay down. When you wake up in the morning, you have two options: Tackle the day or just get by.

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Get up or stay down. When you wake up in the morning, you have two options: Tackle the day or just get by.

Today during my workout, I tried something that I thought I wouldn’t be able to do. And let me tell you, I surprised myself in the best way possible. I proved to myself that sometimes we stop ourself from achieving things before we even try!

What if you had the potential to become an olympic track star but you never even tried to run. Have you ever robbed yourself of a success because you didn’t believe you even had the potential to try? Today I wondered how many things have I missed out on achieving because I didn’t even have the confidence to try!?

What if I told myself that I could never be successful going out on my own and not working for a corporate company ever again? I certainly wouldn’t have the abundant life I am thriving in now had I believed that lie. What is something that you dream of but you are too scared or not confident to try?

Picture the potential and possibilities you want and then GO for them! The worst that can happen is you have to re direct or try something new. Life is short, and successes feel better when it took failures and road bumps to get there.

They say nothing worth having comes easy. Thats because the struggle and hardship is what makes the outcome feel so much greater. We don’t appreciate or value things as much that don’t require some sort of uncomfortable journey to get them.

“Believe in your infinite potential. Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself.” – Roy T. Bennett

Get out of your own way and believe that all things are possible. The potential you have, starts with the belief you have in yourself.