Take Back your Life

Sadie Kolves

On February 3, 2023
Honor your life by living to the fullest.

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If you had one day, one week, one month, one year to live how differently would you choose to live out your days?

Do you shove goals, dreams, and ambitions aside waiting for later? Do you take for granted your family and friends? Do you let yourself love and be loved? Is your life full of things you enjoy? Are you continuing toxic habits and allowing toxic people in your life? Do you prioritize your mental health and happiness? Do you hold yourself back from truly living life to the fullest?

Reflect on your day, this week, this month, this year. How present and fully alive do you feel you’ve been? Were you distracted, numb, sad, joyous, impatient, doubtful, hopeful, energized, fatigued? How much do you truly show up for your life?

Wanting to change and wishing things were different does you no good if you don’t take action. Showing up for your life is not a task that should be taking passively. Don’t count down your days, weeks, and life waiting for things to be “better.” It can be a fulfilled life now!

You can either sit and watch your life happen to you, or you can dive in full force and take it by the reigns.

I refuse to be a background character in my own life, I am the main character in an action film fully living and living out my life’s purpose.

“Life itself is a privilege. But to live life to the fullest-well, that is a choice.” – unknown

“Honor your life by living it to the fullest.”- unknown