Take Care of Your Body, Live a Healthier Life

Sadie Kolves

On March 19, 2021
Are you ready to take the next step and dive into a healthier lifestyle? Your health and nutrition will pave the way for a much better life for you.

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When it comes to health and nutrition you are probably thinking that you’re the exception right? That you can eat that double cheeseburger for lunch every day and it will never come back to haunt you? Many people believe that they are naturally healthy, or that only young people exercise.

If you’re not healthy, you won’t have the quality of life you want. Your body will be working against you, but all you need is 30 minutes a day of exercise. Anything from walking to running, going to the gym or finding a yoga class. Getting out there and getting your body active is a key in life, many people in their 70s and 80s have limited energy in life now because they neglected their health in their younger years. 

Take a second, when I talk about health and wellness what do you think I mean? Did you automatically think of dieting? Well, when I think of health and wellness, I’m talking about how you feel, and how your body feels. Are you energetic, or are you feeling mushy and lethargic? Answer to yourself honestly, have you been putting your health on the backburner? 

If you google “why should I get healthy?” there are a million different results. But I’ll give you my top reasons of why you should get healthy.

Reason #1 – My daughter is proud of me.

 Now you may not have a daughter, but you have someone looking up to you. I want to be the best example possible for my daughter, I want to lead by example. My health is due to her in a big way. 

Reason #2 – I have a better quality of life. 

It’s not just about who can live the longest, it’s about who can have the most fulfilling energetic life. I’m going to have a life where I’ll have the energy to do all the things I want to do, not a sedentary couch lifestyle. 

Reason #3 – I have more self confidence.

Do you want to look in the mirror and surprise yourself? When you are healthier your clothes fit better, your skin looks better, your hair has more shine. You naturally have more self confidence, you’re proud of all of the hard work you’ve put into YOU. 

In order to accomplish this healthier lifestyle, there are going to be things you have to cut out. Ultimately, cutting these things out is going to improve your life. Now, when I tell you the things that have to go, I’m not saying completely. You can be healthy and stay up late on a special occasion, but in order to be successful in this journey, your habits will have to change. 

Lets take this step together, think to yourself what are some bad habits that you want to change? That you need to change? Write them down, so you can remind yourself of what needs to go and you can look back later on and see how far you’ve become. 

For me when I decided to get healthier I said goodbye to late nights, I’m in bed by 10PM. The bar culture, you won’t catch me going out and “partying” or bar hopping. I said goodbye to junk food, this one was hard because I love some oreos. I said goodbye to all of my excuses, bad habits, and putting myself last. Once you take that step and say goodbye to all of the negative things in your life, you’re going to have the time to focus on yourself. 

Now I bet you’re wondering, where do I even begin? The very first step (that you do not want to skip) is to invest in a good pair of running shoes. Your feet and body will thank you later. Next, you don’t have to spend hours in a gym or buy into all the new workout fads. You can simply start by going for a thirty-minute walk every day. Start gradually improving your nutrition and shopping smarter, making more health-conscious decisions when you’re shopping. If you’re a visual person, make yourself a dream board. A dream board is one of my favorite things, it keeps me accountable! Track the time that you spend exercising, and set goals to make it longer. 

Are you ready to take the next step and dive into a healthier lifestyle? I know it can be scary to start something new but invest in yourself. Your health and nutrition will pave the way for a much better life for you.