Taking RISKS. Making CHANGES.

Sadie Kolves

On July 28, 2022
In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take, relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make.

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Have you ever taken a risk that scared you? Made a change that felt uncomfortable? It’s a battle of stay in the comfortable status quo or seek the scary possibly rewarding risk. Some of us avoid risks because it seems scary and stressful, and what if we fail. But the truth is, the worrying we do is usually worse than the outcome of taking the risk.

I’m not saying all risks have a payoff that would deem it worth it, but I bet there are areas in your life where taking the risk would bring so much more reward than turmoil. What excitement and fulfillment are you missing out on by staying in the comfortable and not going for the risk that seems scary? Life is meant to be LIVED, and a lot of that is done through overcoming FEAR.

I took a risk and left my stable job working for a corporate company, I now work for myself, live in paradise, see my family more, and have more time for self-care. That scary risk……HUGE reward. The truth is staying in that “safe” job wasn’t really any less of a risk…what if I were let go one day because of budget cuts, what if they couldn’t afford to adjust my income with the economic climate, what if I became so miserable that my life at home spiraled out of control. We create illusions that our “safety net” is safer than the risk we are contemplating.

Stop planning and scheming how to make the risk work, JUST DO IT!! You can’t plan out every move of your life, sometimes the only thing you can do is to act on it. You will never be ready for every season of life or choice that it brings. All you can do is take steps to get there. Is there something you aren’t taking a risk on because you aren’t “ready” and are scared? JUMP!! The worst that can happen is you find out it wasn’t the right road for you and you change direction again. But even things that don’t work, still bring reward because we gained experience and learned something new.

Life is full of uncertainty and the only way to get through it is by trial and error. The more trials and risks you take, the easier they become to tackle. They become easier every time you jump and experience them.

Don’t throw your future away and gamble things not worth gambling, instead maybe really evaluate the things that being bold could pay off on.

If it scares you and excites you at the same time you probably should do it.

“ In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take, relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make.” – Unknown