The Act of Gratitude

Sadie Kolves

On August 18, 2022
“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough and more.” -Melody Beattie

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The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

This word is so easy when used as a noun but making it a verb with action and intention makes It much more complex. So how do we practice Gratitude as a verb? 

Journal every night about the things you were grateful for that happened that day.

Say a prayer daily thanking God for the things he has provided in your life.

At dinner have everyone go around and list 4 things they are grateful for. 

Tell the people in your life how much you love them and appreciate them.

Do an act of kindness for someone.

Sit outside in nature and meditate surrounded by  the beauty of the world.

Volunteer for an event you are passionate about.

Thank people who serve in the community, from gas attendants to police offers and everything in between.

Make a gratitude post on social media and have people comment on what they are grateful for.

There are so many ways we can practice gratitude. Reminding yourself of the things you are grateful for will bring more joy into your life. Sharing what we are grateful for with each other helps to bring us closer together. 

It gives us incite on what is going on in someone’s life and can help bring perspective about others.

I challenge you to pick up one practice of Gratitude next week and see how much more full of life you feel after.

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough and more.” -Melody Beattie