The closer you get to God, the more you understand who you are

Sadie Kolves

On September 13, 2024
Let God peel back the layers

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There’s a saying that goes, “To know yourself is to know God.” It sounds like one of those deep, philosophical statements you might find on a coffee mug or a bumper sticker, but it holds a profound truth. When you begin to draw closer to God—whether through prayer, meditation, study, or simply being still—you find that you’re not only learning more about Him but also about yourself.
So, what does this journey of self-discovery look like? And why is it that the closer you get to God, the more you understand who you are?
Life is often like an onion with many layers. Over the years, we build these layers with experiences, beliefs, societal expectations, and even our insecurities. Some of these layers are protective; others are put in place by the world around us. They can make us feel lost or disconnected from our true selves.
When you draw closer to God, it’s as though He gently begins peeling back these layers. It’s not always comfortable—sometimes it can be downright painful. But in this process, you start to see the core of who you are, the person God created you to be. You realize that many of the things you believed defined you are just surface-level. Your true identity is much deeper, and it’s rooted in a divine purpose.
In today’s world, it’s easy to be distracted by noise—both external and internal. We get caught up in what others think of us, how we compare to others, or even how we’ve defined ourselves based on past mistakes or achievements. But getting closer to God often means stepping away from all of that noise. It means finding quiet moments to listen, not just to God, but to the gentle whispers of your own soul.
In these moments of silence and reflection, clarity comes. You begin to see yourself not through the distorted lens of the world but through the eyes of God. And that changes everything. You see your worth, your value, and your unique gifts and talents in a new light.
The closer you get to God, the more you experience His love. This isn’t just a feel-good statement; it’s a transformative experience. God’s love is like a mirror that reflects your true self. You start to understand that you are loved unconditionally, not for what you do, but for who you are. This realization is incredibly liberating. It frees you from the constant need to prove yourself or to seek validation from others.
When you embrace God’s love, you begin to love yourself more genuinely. You understand that you are worthy, that you have purpose, and that you are uniquely created. This love gives you the courage to face your flaws, acknowledge your strengths, and live authentically.
As you get closer to God, you also start to understand the unique purpose He has for your life. You see that you’re not here by accident and that every experience—good or bad—has shaped you for a reason. This newfound understanding brings a sense of peace and direction. You realize that you don’t have to have it all figured out; you just need to trust the process and stay close to the One who does.
Getting closer to God and discovering yourself isn’t a one-time event; it’s a lifelong journey. Some days, you may feel incredibly close to God and in tune with who you are. Other days, you may feel distant and unsure. That’s okay. The journey itself is part of the discovery. With each step you take closer to God, you learn a little more about Him and, in turn, a little more about yourself.
So, take that step. Be still. Listen. Let God peel back the layers and reveal the masterpiece He created you to be. The closer you get to Him, the more you’ll discover about the beautiful complexity of your own soul. And in that discovery, you’ll find peace, purpose, and a deeper love than you ever imagined.