The Devil Didn’t Make You Do It

Sadie Kolves

On March 2, 2021
It all begins with your willingness to fight your demons. You have the spirit of a fighter!

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There is a phrase people say when they don’t want to take responsibility for something: “The devil made me do it.”

Come on, now, be honest: have you ever said that?

The devil can’t truly make you do anything, but the truth is that everybody has a little devil on their shoulder. Every time you have the impulse to do something good, that little devil is right there with you, whispering in your ear.

He says things like:

• “You don’t want to go out and exercise today.”

• “You don’t want to go for that job interview.”

• “You don’t want to eat healthy today.”

He’s not only trying to keep us from doing good things. He also whispers lies into your ear like these:

• “You’ll never be thin.”

• “You don’t measure up.”

• “You’re not as talented as she is.”

You know the demon is there. But what can you do about it?

If you’re waiting on someone to motivate you or move you, then the victory will never be yours. Each person has to decide to fight their own demons.

It’s hard because you’re never fighting on your own ground. You have to go where the demons exist and fight them there.

Where do they exist? In your mind. That’s both good news and bad news.

First, the bad news. Your demons are always with you. Because they exist in your mind, you can never escape them. Remember that Saturday Night Live sketch from the 1990s where Chris Farley played a motivational speaker?

At one point in the sketch, he tells David Spade how he’s going to be right by his side. “Here’s you, here’s Matt! Here’s you, here’s Matt!”

Demons are like that. Wherever you go, they go, too.

But here’s the good news. You can fight the demons on their turf, which is your mind. You have control over your mind, so you have a lot of say about what goes on there, including how much power the demons have over you.

One of the recurring themes I love to talk about is the power of your mindset. Mindset literally means, “How you set your mind.” Without a proper mindset, all is lost.

Every good thing that happens in your life starts with your thinking … the way you set your mind.

I didn’t say it was easy. But it’s possible. You have to develop the spirit of a fighter.

It all begins with your willingness to fight your demons. This is not the time to be meek and mild. You have the spirit of a fighter!

Are you ready to rumble?

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If you’re waiting on someone else to motivate you, the victory will never be yours.

Every good thing that happens in your life starts with your thinking.