The Domino Effect

Sadie Kolves

On January 20, 2023
Everyday brings new choices, you are one away from a new life.

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Most things in life follow a domino effect pattern. One choice, one habit, one attitude, one idea, one feeling can lead to another, then another, another, so on and so forth.

Domino effects can have positive/ beneficial outcomes, and they can also have negative/unfavorable outcomes…. that is usually up to you. It can take one morning of waking up and telling yourself its going to be a good day, to change your entire day, week, or life.

When you set yourself up for a positive outlook, you tend to make better choices and be in a better mood. That one choice to decide you will have a good day can lead you to starting your day with a workout, then choosing a Healthy breakfast, then getting to work and feeling energized to be productive, then coming home and feeling good about yourself so you spread that cheer to others around you, then going to bed early so you can be fully charged to make those same positive choices again.

That same morning could start with you waking up exhausted and dreading the day, so you sleep in till the last minute, you have to rush to work, you skip breakfast and then become even crankier, you order take out for lunch and eat too much so you feel full and even more exhausted, you don’t get much work done and come home in a bad mood… which spreads like wildfire to those around you and you have an unpleasant evening so you grab a bottle of wine and stay up way too late which will start the next day over in a similar fashion.

You can decide how you want your domino effect to take place.

“One choice can transform you. One choice can destroy you. One choice will define you.” – Veronica Roth

So ask yourself, what will your next domino effect be?