The First Step to Achieving Mastery of Yourself

Sadie Kolves

On February 24, 2021
You will encounter weaknesses and roadblocks.

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Imagine that you are taking a trip across a big city. Shortly after you leave, your phone alerts you that there is road construction ahead. If you stay on this route, you will face major delays because of traffic.

Would you continue the same way, or would you take another route?

The answer is simple; you would take a different route. But a simple solution when it comes to traffic is not such a simple solution when it comes to other areas of our life. 

We often keep going in the same direction even though we know there will be major problems!

Sometimes, life is sending us major “construction ahead” warning signs, but we choose to ignore them because we don’t want to admit there is a problem.

On your journey to embracing your destiny of success, you will encounter weaknesses and roadblocks. You are likely already aware of your major flaws. But the question is, what are you going to do about them?

That’s where self-knowledge comes in. If you don’t know yourself well enough to deal with your weaknesses, it will be hard to reach your true potential.

My health and energy are important to me. I work out almost every day. 

But here’s a little secret; I don’t always feel like doing it. On those days when I don’t feel like getting up, I remind myself that I’m weak right now. Knowing that about myself helps me get up and start moving. Once I’m walking, I’ll eventually begin running because I start to feel it.

Maybe you feel weak in a different area, such as eating well, controlling your temper, getting work done, or saving money. 

Whatever it is, admit that you are weak. Write it down and say it out loud. It may feel a little silly at first, but it’s a powerful way to take control of your weaknesses.

We all have weaknesses. That’s okay. It means we’re human. 

Don’t try to tackle everything at once. Just take it one area at a time. If you try to lose a hundred pounds in one week, you’re going to fail hard. Shoot for a smaller goal you can achieve.

We live so much of our lives driven by emotion. If you let emotions run your life, you get into trouble. 

When you feel weak and want to give up, take action immediately to do the right thing. Every time you do that, you get a little stronger.

One of the greatest artists of all time, Leonardo da Vinci, said, “One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself.”

Do you want to achieve mastery of yourself? If so, it begins by knowing your weaknesses and taking small steps to overcome them.